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So, how does one make charcoal? No, really!
Did you know you can make your own charcoal? At Kisa Primary School in Nansana Uganda. students and teachers have been working together to make charcoal for their school kitchen, because firewood has become so expensive.

The briquettes are made with clay, powdered banana peelings and cassava flour. When lit, they provide plenty of heat for cooking. Uganda adopted very strict quarantine rules to fight the corona virus. As a result they've had only 2 deaths, but the economy has come to a stand-still. Prices have skyrocketed, and many staples including firewood have become scarce. Thus, making your own charcoal looks like a good idea.

In the photos are: students Wasswa Deogratious, Nakakande Aidah, Namukwaya Pauline and Galabuzi Enock; with Irene Kibuuka, school director, head teacher Muguluma Edward and teacher Grace Kibuuka.