Kisa Foundation USA
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Your donation helps us pursue our mission to support education, arts training, health and community projects in Uganda. Since 2015, over 6,000 children have taken part in arts classes at Namungoona Childrens Art Center which is completely supported by KFUSA. Other projects have included a tailor-training program at Kisa Primary School; clean water projects and small business loans.


Donate with an electronic check or any credit card. Choose an instant gift, or donate any amount you choose. DONATE NOW
Your account will be debited monthly or yearly for the program you specify. Minimum subscription $10 USD per month or $99 USD per year. Subscribers will receive heads-up notice of special news and events.
Recurrent donations coming soon.
Sponsors qualify for special benefits. Start with any subscription.

Other ways to help

You can also help Kisa Foundation by donating time, educational materials or services. Contact us to discuss an in-kind contribution.

Terms and Conditions

All content in online presence for Friends and Benefactors and other sponsors must be family-friendly, that is, free of any content that in our sole judgment may be offensive or injurious to vulnerable readers or that may be illegal, or that we find to be spam or false advertising. Due to US legal regulations you must be an adult to become a subscriber.

Each subscriber is responsible for the content of their listing, and Kisa Foundation assumes no liability for false or misleading claims of the subscriber.

Thanks for considering sponsorship!


In the United States, Kisa Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Your donation may be tax-deductible; ask your accountant for details.

Secure Payment

Donations are processed through Paypal, the world-leading SECURE online payment processor. You do not need a Paypal account; pay with any credit card or electronic check. Note that the payment pages have a URL beginning "https://..." which indicates secure, encrypted transmission of your payment data. Kisa Foundation never sees your payment data.